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ShawnCoulson News and Updates

Timely Opportunities

Opening the Door to Home Office Deductions

Most people pay their tax by having tax withheld from their income during the year. However, if you receive income that has no tax withheld or doesn’t have enough tax withheld, you may have to pay tax by quarterly instalments. This can happen if you receive self-employment, rental, or investment income,certain pension payments, or The […]
Timely Opportunities

Is Cryptocurrency Right for Your Business?

Intellectual Property

Staking Your Claim Fast and First

Once your invention has been sufficiently perfected and tested, you may want to try and sell it to the highest bidder. Of course, to secure some protection against a rip-off, you can file a patent application and market your invention with a “patent pending” status. Other parties may be liable for patent infringement if the […]
Employment Law

Watch Over Use of Your Company’s Computers

Today’s companies have their hands full trying to police employees so they don’t visit non-business Web sites or send offensive e-mails. Now, there’s another legal worry: Ensuring that your employees don’t download or store material in violation of federal copyright laws. Legal experts say employers could face potential liability for not prohibiting employees from downloading and […]
Timely Opportunities

Consider Taxes Before Selling a Highly Appreciated Vacation Home

The Dodd-Frank Act, which was signed into law in 2010, provides substantial rewards to individuals who report corporate fraud to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Employees and others have strong incentives to blow the whistle on companies they suspect of violating federal securities laws. Despite the fact the law has been in existence for several […]
Business Fraud Prevention

Are Your Managers Riding Roughshod Over Internal Controls?

According to the latest Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, override of internal controls is the primary facilitator of fraud in 19% of cases. Most of these frauds are uncovered only because an employee or other source brings them to light. As these findings suggest, anyone is […]
Commercial Law

Exclusive Dealing Policies Can Face Scrutiny

Exclusive dealing policies are not necessarily illegal under federal antitrust laws, but as one case illustrates, companies face pitfalls when using such agreements to squeeze out competitors. In early 2005, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Dentsply International violated federal antitrust law by requiring its dealers to comply with an exclusivity policy. […]
Timely Opportunities

Do You Know the Tax Consequences of Selling Appreciated Land?

       Ensure Your Intentions  are Carried OutYou know the importance of having a will. If you die “intestate” (without a will in legal language), your state’s laws will determine the disposition of your assets. Your actual wishes will be irrelevant, even though they may be well-known to your friends and relatives. An Effective […]
Timely Opportunities

Remote Work Policies Can Bring Up Some Thorny Issues

After receiving an inheritance, you need to determine how to incorporate those assets, whether stocks, bonds, real estate, or some other asset, into your finances. Consider these points during the process: Determine what you will receive and when. Inheritances typically don’t come in the form of one check. You’re likely to receive pieces of different […]

Real Property and the Estate Process

There are many ways you can hold title to real property, which is defined as land and anything erected on it. However, how real property is titled will affect how it is transferred during the administration of an estate.